Does (Bottle) Size Matter?

     You bet it does.  

You might have noticed that we like to store our cider in 750ml “Sparkling” bottles (standard wine bottle size). Though there are lots of options out there, and lots of variables behind our choices (bottling cost, efficiency, etc.) we wanted to take a moment to talk through a few reasons for going big! 

#1 - Aging and Maturation

Hard cider, like many alcoholic beverages, can benefit from aging and maturation. Larger bottles provide a larger volume-to-surface area ratio, which can lead to slower oxidation and more gradual flavor development over time.

This can result in a smoother and more refined cider after extended aging. This means, TC3 ciders start delicious and only grow more complex with time.

Stop down at The Taproom for a pull, or start your holiday shopping by hitting that shop button below.

To capture the flavor of Appalachia, we decided to go


#2 - We like you, and we like your friends.

Around here, we know how to take care of each other. Large bottles are the right size for sharing with friends or family. Our ciders are perfect for gifting, sharing or savoring all on your own. So grab a bottle, call some friends and enjoy some big flavor.

#3 - We’re pretty proud of our labels.

Our larger bottles allow for a larger format and a bigger canvas for our label artwork and branding. While we’re excited to catch the eye, we’re even more excited to showcase the beauty of the Blue Ridge. From the beauty of the tall High Trestle bridges to the winding Ridgerunner, we are thrilled that the big flavor of our ciders can capture the big flavors of Appalachia.

Could we have gone bigger? Oh, yah, but the half-gallon growler seemed a bit much.


Interested in learning more about cider making, bottling and capping? Check out our friends over at the Cider Core.


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